
Lab 2


The goal of this weeks lab was to setup Bluetooth communication to the Artemis board. Bluetooth communication will be used in later portions of the class to send commands to the Artemis board, as well as to receive data. For the purposes of this lab, we looked at how the Artemis board responded to several prefabricated commands.

Configuration Tasks

In order to accomplish the goa

Lab Tasks


Task 1

After setting up the Bluetooth library for the Artemis board Echo

Task 2

Task 2 was accomplished largely in the same way that Task 1 was. However, one of the key differences between the two tasks resides in the fact that Tast 2 uses floats, while Task 1 references strings.

Task 3

Of the tasks in the lab, this was the most difficult. This step was sort of an extension of the previous one that allowed it to wait for float to generate an interrupt rather than polling them. This was meanigful because the use of interrupts (or notification) allow the use of the device whenever they wish


Task 4

The main difference between these two agendas lies in the data sizes and how the data is being utlized by either end.


While doing the lab, I saw on Ed that windows eleven users were having issues on some of the assignments. The computer that I was doing the lab from would occasionally lose work while I was doing the lab, causing a bit of a setback on my end. Luckily, I was able to get around this by using the interpreter and doing a bit of scripting in place of writing in the Jupyter notebook.