Maze Runner

In spring of 2019, I also took ECE 3140: Embedded System. In this couse, we learned the low level implementation of basic concepts like assembly language programming, interrupts, I/O, concurrency managerment, scheduling, and resource management. Manhal Bouaradaand and I designed an embedded system game called Maze Runner and it was one of the top ten projects out of 100 teams in the class.

Maze Runner is a game whereby the user tries to move a marble through a maze from the start to the end point by using a hand-held controller. The maze sits on a pan tilt assembly that has 2 degrees of freedom. The platform will follow the movement of the hand-held controller, allowing the player to move the marble through the maze as they desire. The pan tilt platform is controlled by 2 independent servo motors. The hand-held controller consists of the BNO055 sensor which outputs the absolute orientation angles and the values were mapped to PWM values to control the servos correspondingly.

Maze Runner Demo Video: