Lab 3: FPGA Video Controller
The goal of this lab was to enable communication between an Arduino and a DE0_NANO FPGA board. We decided to use parallel communication to send data from the Arduino to the FPGA. Eventually, this data will allow us to draw important information on a computer display, such as wall locations and visited squares. For this lab, Ryan and Jinny focused on meeting the requirements for Lab 3, while Joy and Daniel worked on the third milestone.
- DE0-Nano Development Board
- Arduino Uno
- Various resistors
- Empty DAC circuit board
- Solder and Soldering Iron
- VGA Cable
- Female header
- VGA Connector
Designing and Implementing Memory System
We decided to use M9K memory on the FPGA board because we can store much more data. Although this comes at the cost of a slower memory, we decided having a larger memory was worth it. We were provided complete Verilog modules for the VGA Driver and M9K memory. The M9K memory stores information about which pixels on the screen should be colored, and the VGA driver converts this information into colors that can be displayed on our monitor. We also added two more modules, Image_processor and DE0_NANO, to make our design easier to understand and change in the future. DE0_NANO instantiated the other modules together, and Image_processor converted the data from the Arduino into a form our M9K unit could use.
The Image_processor took in the data from the Arduino and parsed the concatenated bits into its separate parts. Then it would calculate the proper result to store into memory as well as the write address in memory at which to store this result. In addition, the Image_processor controls when write to the memory is enabled. Separating this information into a separate module made our Verilog code cleaner and easier to understand.
Communicating Between Arduino and FPGA
Initially, we planned to use serial communication, or SPI, because we thought it would allow us to send data back and forth faster. However, we eventually realized parallel communication was much easier to implement. The circuit we constructed only required several voltage dividers (1 per bit of communication). This was required because the Arduino operates at 5 V and the FPGA operates at 3.3 V.
Currently, we have 7 wires from the Arduino to the FPGA: the first is an extra bit that we used for testing, the next 3 give us the x coordinate, and the final 3 give us the y coordinate. Since we used parallel communication, we can easily change which bits correspond to which values by moving wires or changing a few lines of code. In addition, we can add more wires to increase the bandwidth of data we are sending. When we need to add functionality to our display in the future, it will be a lot easier because of our choice of parallel communication.
Changing color on the screen
To change the color on the screen, we just wrote the necessary Arduino code to set the desired digital pin outputs to high or low. Then, on the FPGA’s side, in Verilog, DE0_NANO was modified to read from the same memory address that was being written. This ensured that the entire screen would flash a different color according to the Arduino input to the FPGA. The memory would contain the bit of data that was being transferred from the Arduino to the FPGA to eventually control what color each pixel on the screen would be.
The color was adjusted with the following code:
always @ (posedge c2) begin
if (MEM_OUTPUT) begin
pixel_color <= GREEN;
else begin
pixel_color <= BLUE;
In later iterations of our design, we adjusted how we read and wrote to memory, as well as how we changed the color on our screen to allow us to draw to specific “tiles”, or groups of 30x30 pixels. However, to meet the requirements for this lab, all we really needed was to alternate the color we displayed on the screen.
After following the guidelines provided by the previous year’s lab handout, the objectives of this lab did not seem as daunting as they were when first introduced. The most challenging parts of this lab were figuring out what each module in the verilog code was doing and choosing a communication method to implement. Although just changing the color of the screen is an accomplishment, it isn’t the ultimate goal, and the next obstacle is properly implementing the Image_processor so that the screen can display tiles and walls in specific location. This lab allowed us to understand the general framework of our design, so now the goal is to be able to send information from our robot, interpret what it means on the base station Arduino, send it to the FPGA through our parallel communication setup, and then eventually draw the correct items to the screen using this Verilog code.