Project information

  • Team Member: Ben Goldberg, Chloe Wu,
  • Kirsten Scheller, Mira Kim
  • Category: Physical Intellegence System
  • Project date: Fall 2019
  • Project website

Maze Exporation Robot


The robot in picture above was called Cylde. It was a project for ECE3400: Physical Intellgence System. I worked with three other peers on this project.

Clyde was a robot that was able to autonomously explore a maze and map out the topology of it on a computer screen. It could also detect walls and other robots inside the maze, and the total cost of the robot was under $100.

The control for both the robot and the base station (where graphics was displayed) was based on Arduino Uno. The robot used DFS as the searching algorithm when exploring the maze and send information of the maze to the base station using an RF transceiver module. The infomration was then processed through an FPGA board and displayed the topology of the maze.