HW 2: Sleep Efficiency
By Medha Bulumulla, Hannah Rudt, Brett Schlesinger
The Sleep Efficiency Dataset is comprised of single-night sleep reports from over 400 individuals in a University of Oxfordshire.
A person typically goes through 4-5 sleep cycles in a night which consists of light sleep, deep sleep and then REM sleep.
Light sleep is when the brain and heart rate slows down, body temperature decreases, there is regular muscle tone and breathing.
During deep sleep the brain waves are the slowest. If one is woken up during deep sleep, they experience sleep inertia with impaired cognitive performance. During this time, the body boosts the immune system, and restores bones, muscles, and body tissue. (Sleep Foundation).
Rapid eye moment or REM sleep is when brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase and as the name suggests the eyes move rapidly when closed. During REM sleep, dreams are more vivid and muscles cannot move temporarily. REM sleep is beneficial for emotional processing, brain development, and memory consolidation. (National Cancer Institute).
Pick an age
Weekly exercise frequency
Smoking status
Daily caffeine intake (mg)