I am an incoming senior at Cornell University studying Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Robotics. Currently working as a Hardware Development Intern at Amazon Lab126. I am passionate about robotics and embedded systems, and I am skilled in C, MATLAB, Python, Java, and Arduino.
LinkedIn | tg382@cornell.edu
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Ratatouille Hat [2023]
Moving the silhouette of a rat in a chef’s hat to mimic the motion of the wearer using servo motors, IMU sensors, and Bluetooth.
Fast Robots [2023]
Hacking a toy stunt car to autonomously perform stunts and navigate using an Artemis Nano Board, Bluetooth Low Energy, Time of Flight and IMU sensors, PID closed-loop control, Kalman filtering, and Bayesian estimation.
Squid Game Red-Light-Green-Light Doll [2022]
Recreation of the doll from the TV show “Squid Game.” She plays a high-stakes game of “Red Light Green Light” with you. She plays the music from the show, turns her head, and eliminates players who have moved.
Servo magazine cover feature
Autonomous Maze Navigation Robot [2022]
A robot which can autonomously navigate through any maze using navigation and feedback control algorithms.
Collaborative Robotics and Smart Systems Lab [2022]
I created a robot that reads human emotion and trust levels using machine learning. This method helps robots to take on a teammate role in human-robot collaboration rather than being a tool, which can improve efficiency for many fields and tasks involving robots.
publication | video
Cornell Cup Robotics Team [2021]
The final project for my embedded systems class was to incorporate the microcontroller board from class into a project, so I used it to control the movement of the R2D2 robot from my robotics team.
Human-Centered Design I [2023]
A mysterious lockbox disguised as part of a bookshelf.
ReVeil - Human-Centered Design II [2023]
A fashion accessory which automatically veils and unveils the wearer upon sensing a human connection.