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Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Everyone was in attendance Minutes will be kept in our team google drive folder

Started off getting the website available to the group

Then we worked on the team contract
Decided on consequences (what is a consequence and what the consequences are)
Decided how we would decide our meeting times (week by week decision)
Decided on roles (team leader/secretary/webmaster) (also job descriptions)
Method of communication: group text
Decided on how we will update the website (goals as we go/quality of explanations)
Decided on individual work quality
Decided on deadlines (hard deadlines for milestones/lab reports, soft deadlines for internal work)
Peer review to make sure everything works/is quality work

Finished by finalizing plan for the week and roles for the week


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

All members in attendance

Scheduled team meeting for after lab Decided Roles -Francis: webmaster -Paige: team leader -Jimmy: scribe -Logan/Yonghun/Trisha: Research

Decided teams for lab 2

Goal for open lab hours:
Plan the overall robot and preliminary work on sensors

Decided on sensors:
Analog sensor for 660 Hz voice
Digital sensor for infrared

Open Lab hours during week to improve efficiency and research roles


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: everyone present

We discussed plans for completing Lab 2 and Milestone 1
We will go into open hour labs 9/15 from 4:30-6:30pm to finish Milestone 1
Lab 2 Write-up was completed by Jimmy
Yonghun built the robot’s circuit (attaching the breadboard, the battery, and arduino onto the chassis)
We will finish the Milestone 1 write-up by Saturday night
Francis will work on uploading to the website on Sunday
Friday night we will decide on when to come into open hours on Saturday

Roles for Next Week:
Francis and Trisha: Secretary
Logan: Leader
Yonghun: Webmaster
Jimmy and Paige: Research


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Jimmy, Yonghun, Francis, Trisha, and Logan

Talked about how to finish milestone 2
Meeting at open hour labs at 2:30pm on Friday
Talked about how to detect Treasures


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: everyone present

Talked about a new design for the robot
Laser printing a new chassis (should be printed by next week)
Everyone’s role is researcher for this week.
Might meet on Friday


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Everyone present- Yonghun late

Reminded everyone of teammate evalutation
Decided to meet later in the day at open lab hours
Decided on buying a new sensor specifically for line sensing
Decided on teams for Lab 3:

Visual Acoustic
Logan Paige
Francis Jimmy
Trisha Yonghun

Decided on Roles for the week:
Logan and Paige: Secretary
Jimmy: Webmaster
Francis: Team Leader
Yonghun and Trisha: Researchers


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Everyone present

Will attend open lab hours in two groups:

  1. Finish Lab 3 Acoustic
  2. Get line sensors working


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Everyone present

Note: Don’t put spaces in the filename of photos when uploading to drive

Team Roles:

Researcher: Logan and Paige Scribe: Yonghun and Francis Webmaster: Trisha Team Lead: Jimmy

Lab 4 Teams Assigned:

Graphic Team: Jimmy Yonghun Paige

Radio: Trisha Francis Logan


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: everyone present

We will finish Lab 4 this week The Graphics team went into lab yesterday to work on Lab 4

New Roles (last rotation): Team Leader: Yonghun Webmaster: Paige Scribe: Trisha and Logan Researcher: Jimmy and Francis

We will be going into lab:

Friday 1:30-4:30 Paige Trisha (2:30) Jimmy Logan Saturday 6-9pm Yonghun Francis Trisha and Paige (optional)


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Logan, Paige, Jimmy, and Trisha

We will go into lab today to try to fix our SPI communication and get the PCB board layout.
Logan knows someone we can contact to get PCB mill trained in the Maker Lab
We will try and work on Milestone 3 over the weekend.
We will keep the same roles as stated in the last meeting.


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Everyone

Jimmy and Paige: Scribe
Logan: Webmaster
Francis: Team leader
Trisha and Yonghun: Researcher

Milestone 4, our last assignment, is due several weeks later, but we will keep working on our individual assignments as if they are due each week. We have lots of parts that have to be finished and perfected. SPI serial communication has to be fixed, FPGA has to be upgraded to draw the walls, not just paint each grid block, and the new line sensors have to be dealt with a completely new codes. Milestone 3 was not completely successful, but we will definitely first make sure it follows a simple maze as it should according to the algorithm part.


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Paige, Logan, Francis, Trisha, and Yonghun

We decided to break up into two teams to complete milestone 4. The two teams are as follows:


Robot building:

Goals for Today:
Get new robot assembled with wall sensors (we can leave out treasure sensors for now)
Laser cut new chassis
Test line following code on new line sensors (code running through mux has been tested)
Add walls and treasures to VGA code(definitely get treasures done)

Goals for Open lab on Tuesday:
Open lab: 3-6:30
Finish line following, intersection, and wall detection


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Paige, Logan, Francis, Jimmy, Trisha, and Yonghun

In order to prepare for the competition next Monday, we decided it best to create an Excel sheet to determine when everyone was free since the lab was open almost all day every day. Once everyone filled out their availability on the Excel sheet, it was easier to determine the best time for everyone to come in.

We also decided to prioritize the work that needed to be done this work and created the following priority list:

1) Algorithm
Can explore entire maze and stop when finished, including recognizing dead zones
2) Radio
Can communicate all changes in maze condition from Calvin to screen
3) Treasure
Can accurately detect treasure while traversing maze


Team 4 Meeting Minutes

Everyone Present

We all met in the lab and planned when we were all going to come in the next couple days to prepare for the competition.
We also used this time to work on our robot.

Note: We forgot to take notes during the meeting, so these notes are from memory

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