
Hello đź‘‹

I am Aryaa, a junior at Cornell University I am pursuing a major in Computer Science and a minor in Electricial and Computer Engineering as well as Business Management. I enjoy working on robotics projects and explore new software engineering projects.

During the school year, I am an electrical member of the Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. I am a part of the Cohenrent Ising Machine team in the McMahon Lab based on Quantum Computing. I am the president of the Student Union Board of Willard Straight Hall, a student activites club. I also TA a class on Functional Programming - CS 3110 and mentor other students. I recently joined the Creative Computing Club as a VR game designer.




CroK64 is a 2-player, simple, indoor version of the popular backyard game, Croquet, where players hit balls with a mallet through a series of wickets or hoops. In this version of the game, both the players use the FRDM-K64F board as the gaming device (the mallet), which they physically move around in order to hit the balls in different directions, trying to get their ball through all the wickets before their opponent. The boards are connected to players’ computers using the USB cable, which then connect over the internet to communicate the state of the game with the other player. I collaborated with Krithik Ranjan to build this project. Please at a look at the webpage for implmentation details.



Ezra is Cornell specific toolkit perfect for every student. Its many abilities include providing information on the weather, near by dining halls and restaurants, calculator, gpa formulator, to-do lists. Ezra currently also helps you choose classes and build your schedule for academic year 2020. Ezra also provides appropriate replies to general questions. For example it displays a meme to cheer you up if your statement indicates that you are bored or unhappy.


Thruster Board

A circuit board to control the thrusters on the cuauv's autonomous vehicle using electronic speed controls. I designed the schematic & layout in KiCAD and then hand-soldered components on the board. I am also modifiying the firmware on the electronic speed controllers to enable I2C communication protocol.


Sensor Board

A circuit board for data accquision from different sensors on the cuauv's autonomous vehicle. I designed the schematic & layout in KiCAD and then hand-soldered then hand-soldered components on the board. I learnt how to use various communication protocols including I2C, UART and SPI during this project. Later modified the sensor board to control a LED strip that was used for debugging and decorative pruposes on the vehicle.

Research - Accelerating a Coherent Ising Machine using FPGAs

As a part of my Research project for Spring 2020, I worked on accelerating the simulator to solve Ising optimization problems [Coherent Ising Machine]. I used the F-1 instances from Amazon Web Services to decrease the computation time of the program. OpenCL model of execution was used for kernel programming. Please take a look at my report to learn about the progress made. I will me optimizing the run time of a k-SAT solver in the next semester.



Cadence is a music training system specifically for beginners trying to learn the piano. The two part system relates the sheet music to physical keys on the piano. The device prototype, which connects to the piano, was developed during a 24 hour make-a-thon using the Arduino Platform. It consists of a LED strip, each LED corresponding to a piano key, and. the arduino system packaged in a acrylic box. The LED corresponding to the key to be played lights up right before the key is supposed to be played to guide the beginner. The tempo of the song can be set according to the level required. I am currently working on a app that uses Computer Vision to load hand-written or printed sheet music directly into the system.


Car-Saf Crystal Clear

There have been a lot of deaths in the UAE due to low visiblity during sandstorms and fog. Crystal Clear is a complete car safety system which aims to prevent accidents during times of low visiblity. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to generate a simulation of the vehicles and objects in the surrounding area. The system goes into place when indicated by its low humidity detector. It is also equipped with a speed control mechanism. I presented a prototype of this system with my team at the National Think Science Competition's final round during high school.

I am still working on developing this website, will add the rest of the projects soon.

Thank you for checking out my work

Please Contact me if you would like to collaborate with me or get to know me better.