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I just graduated from my Masters in Information Science at Cornell University.

Work Experience

Research Assistant/Webmaster

Data cleaning, analysis, merging, matching individuals and calculating travel distances of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Food Bank of the Southern Tier data using Python and packages including Python Record Linkage Toolkit, GeoPy, NumPy, Matplotlib in a secure environment.

Assist in developing an Agri-food Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO) to create a regular flagship publication at the Office of the Chief Scientist at Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) by dataset collection and eventual machine learning.

Worked with International Food Policy Research Institute to create a Python user guide, website, and learning modules to predict malnutrition and poverty in the Global South.

Redesign & add relevant content to the website using HTML, Javascript, and Bootstrap for three different research groups: Chris Barrett, Brian Dillion, and Chuan Liao.

Application Development Intern, Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

Utilize Restful API calls in C# and SQL stored procedures to extract, transform and load (ETL) data into SQL databases relying on Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Dataset creation though web scraping of DASNY related media to develop a report on sentiment analysis on construction projects.

Research Intern, Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Creation of website accessibility and effectiveness report to appeal to international stakeholders.

Research and proposal writing about Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises in Zambia.

Introductory Design and Programming for the Web Teaching Assistant

Instruct a weekly section on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, web design, user experience and debugging strategies for 15-20 students.

Assist students’ learning and assignments through office hours and class.

Masters Courses

Fall 2023 courses will be added soon

  • Interactive Data Visualizations
  • Product Management
    • Learned about marketing, metrics (KPI, CTR, AC, CSAT, NPV, IRR, ROAS, ROMI), theories, psychology, methods (conjoint, survival, sentiment analysis), optimization, and prediction for becoming a product manager.
    • Wrote a market strategy for jewelry small businesses competing in the Amazon eco-system.
  • App Design and Prototyping
    • Learned the Javascript prototyping framework Vue.js.
    • Interviewed/tested users, designed and developed a prototype of PhD Student Visit App using JavaScript, Vue, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS in a four person team collaborating on Github for 2 months.
  • Technology for Underserved Settings
    • Learned about the complexities and nuances of designing technology for underserved settings
    • Through a one-year project, performed a research project examining how technology can benefit domestic violence survivors through surveys, Reddit sentiment analysis and literature analysis.

Undergraduate Courses

Data Courses

  • Data-Driven Web Applications
  • Introduction to Data Science
    • Learned discrete probability, Bayesian methods, graph theory, power law distributions, Markov models, and hidden Markov models on structure of the web, genomics, social networks, natural language processing, and signal processing through Python programming.
    • Create a model using food insecurity, socio-economic, and health indicators to predict COVID-19 vaccination rates in Python.
  • Learning Analytics
    • Examining and applying how to utilize data analytics to improve instructional and the educational field.
    • Created two educational dashboards for students and instructors from course data utilizing RShiny in a five person group.
  • Data Mining & Machine Learning
    • Learned machine learning methods: classification, tree-based methods, linear model selection, regularization, resampling methods, bootstrapping, and validation in R.
    • Developed a model machine learning techniques of physicochemical factors to predict wine quality in R.
  • Computational Sustainability
    • Learned how to apply computational methods (regression, classification, shortest path algorithms, modelling, and machine learning methods) for sustainable challenges (wildlife conservation, poverty mitigation, food security, renewable resources, energy, transportation, and climate change).
  • Biological Statistics I-II
    • Applying linear statistical methods to examine biological research in R: linear regression, inference, model assumption evaluation, the likelihood approach, matrix formulation, generalized linear models, single-factor and multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA).
  • Probability Models and Inference
    • Applying probability model methods: random variables, standard distributions, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, likelihood-based estimation, sampling distributions and hypothesis testing, as well as an introduction to Bayesian methods.

Web Design

  • Intermediate Design & Programming for the Web
    • Using PHP, SQL, HTML, and CSS to develop numerous websites.
    • Designed and implemented a store website for my small business using PHP that relied on an SQL database.
  • Introductory Design and Programming for the Web
    • Using HTML and CSS to develop a website for Ithaca's Annual Apple Fest, and personal site.
  • Human Computer Interaction
    • Learning aspects of the human-centered design process: understanding, analyzing, and formalizing user needs, exploring possible design solutions to address user needs, creating prototypes to externalize design ideas, and evaluating the usability of these prototypes
    • Through a semester long project in a group of four, we designed an app to curate music to build social interaction through user interviews, testing while using Figma, Miro, and Powerpoint.
  • Building Inclusive Computing Organizations
    • Examining underlying reasons behind the perpetual underrepresentation of people of color, neurodiversity, and gender in computing industry organizations and STEM fields through literature analysis.
    • Developed a diversity and inclusion proposal for Google in a group of five students through SWOT analysis.
  • Consequences in Computing
    • Learned about societal challenges: privacy of individual data; fairness in algorithmic decision-making; dissemination of online content; and accountability in the design of computing systems
  • Communication and Technology
    • Learned psychological aspects of computer-mediated communication.


  • Introduction to Computer Science
    • Learned basic concepts in computing and fundamental techniques for solving computational problems in Java.
    • Produce a sustainability tracker to ‘grade’ the user’s sustainability value for the day using Java and JSON
  • Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
    • Learned object-oriented programming (classes, objects, subclasses, types), graphical user interfaces, algorithm analysis (asymptotic complexity, big "O" notation), recursion, testing, program correctness (loop invariants), searching/sorting, data structures (lists, trees, stacks, queues, heaps, search trees, hash tables, graphs), graph algorithms in Java.
  • Networks
    • Learned network structures: the small world phenomenon, markets, neural networks, contagion, search and the evolution of networks.
  • Short Course in Python

Clubs and Volunteer Work

Cornell Data Journal Managerial Editor and Treasurer

Organize external events by communicating and reaching out to speakers.

Decide the standard project team's process with Executive Board.

Write budget reports about club expenses.

Statistics and Data Science Representative

Cornell Computing Information Sciences (CIS) Diversity and Inclusion Council

Meet with CIS Diversity Council to suggest new ideas to promote diversity and inclusivity.

Assisted in interview process for hiring Diversity and Inclusion Director.

Session Facilitator/Sexual Health Peer Educator

Educate peers on scientifically accurate, inclusive, and safe sexual practices with McKinley Health Center

Facilitate 10 events/sessions about healthy relationships and risk reaching over 1000 students in Fall 2019.

Create and distribute notes and visualizations.