<- read_csv("data/forbes_billionaires.csv")
#organized billionaire dataset
<- billionaire |>
cleaned_billionaire #cleaned the names of the variables
::clean_names() |>
janitor#selected the variables that would be of focus for this exploration
select(name, net_worth, rank,
age, children, status,|>
education) #made a new column indicating level of education qualitatively
mutate(education_level = case_when(
grepl("Master", education) ~ 'Master',
grepl("Doctorate", education) ~ 'Doctorate',
grepl("Doctor", education) ~ 'Doctorate',
grepl("Bachelor", education) ~ "Bachelor",
grepl("Graduate", education) ~ "Bachelor",
grepl("Drop Out", education) ~ 'Dropout',
grepl("Ph.D", education) ~ 'Ph.D',
grepl("EMBA", education) ~ 'Master',
grepl("Diploma", education) ~ 'Highschool',
grepl("University", education) ~ 'Bachelor',
TRUE ~ 'Other')) |>
#made a new column indicating level of education quantitatively through years of education
mutate(years_education = case_when(
grepl("Master", education_level) ~ 14,
grepl("Doctorate", education_level) ~ 16,
grepl("Bachelor", education_level) ~ 12,
grepl("Dropout", education_level) ~ 8,
grepl("Ph.D", education_level) ~ 18,
grepl("Diploma", education_level) ~ 8,
grepl("Other", education_level) ~ NA,)) |>
#made a new column indicating whether a billionaire attended an Ivy League or not
mutate(ivy_league = if_else(, FALSE,
if_else(str_detect(education, "Harvard|Yale|Princeton|Columbia|Brown|Dartmouth|Cornell|University of Pennsylvania"),
Project title
Appendix to report
Data cleaning
Other appendicies (as necessary)
Additional Visualization for Education Level vs Wealth
ggplot(cleaned_billionaire, aes(x = years_education, y = net_worth)) +
geom_jitter() +
labs(x = "Years of Education", y = "Net Worth", title = "Effect of Years of Education on Networth", subtitle = "A jitter graph that shows how the years of education done affect the networth of billionaires") +
ggplot(cleaned_billionaire, aes(x = years_education, y = net_worth)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Years of Education", y = "Median Net Worth", title = "Effect of Years of Education on Median of Networth", subtitle = "A line graph that shows the effect of years of \n education done on a billionaire's median networth") +