Chapter 38 Sample Size Quotas Model Visualization

Last updated 24 December 2024

The Sample Size Quotas Model Visualization displays a map showing the number of samples that need to be taken from each sub administrative unit with no disease found to have high probability that disease prevalence is at or below the desired percentage.

38.1 Creating a Sample Size Quotas Model Visualization

To create a Sample Size Quotas Model Visualization, complete the following steps:

  • Title (required): Create a title for your visualization to help you keep track of your visualizations. It will appear in the visualization dashboard, so it should be both descriptive and concise. You may use characters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Comments: Add additional comments for future reference. These comments will be displayed above the visualization.

  • Display: These options control how visualizations are presented in the visualization dashboard.

    • Weight is used to order visualizations. Visualizations with lower weight values will be presented in the dashboard above those with higher weight values. This value defaults to 9999 (the lowest position on menus).

    • Display on visualization dashboard for all users is used to control whether non-administrative users should be shown this visualization. If you want all users to be able to view this visualization, check the box. If you would prefer that this visualization be available only to Provider Administrators in your agency, do not check this box. This value defaults to un-selected, so must be selected if you want others to see this visualization.

    • Tag category is used to display the visualization under the selected heading on the dashboard. See the section under Introducing Visualizations for details.

    • If provided, the Thumbnail will be used as the preview image of the visualization on the dashboard.

  • Visualization input (required): Select from the drop-down menu which model execution data and results you want to use to create this visualization.

Click OK to create the visualization.

38.2 Viewing the Sample Size Quotas Model Visualization

Select the thumbnail from the Visualizations dashboard. A map showing the model results will be displayed. You can select layers showing various aspects of the results by sub-administrative areas:

  • Sample Size Needed: The number of samples that need to be taken from each sub administrative unit with no disease found to have high probability that disease prevalence is at or below the desired percentage.

Specific sample size quotas for each sub-administrative area may be viewed by clicking on a sub-administrative area in the map or by selecting the sub-administrative area from the dropdown list below the map.