Chapter 30 Coming Soon! Disease Control Strategies Model

Last updated 4 October 2024

30.1 What is the Disease Control Strategies Model?

The Disease Control Strategies Model leverages an agent-based model to assess management strategies to control a CWD outbreak.

30.2 What Questions Does it Answer?

Question 1. What management strategies should we enact to stem or thwart CWD outbreak? The model depicts which actionable strategies result in the lowest number of new infections.

Question 2. What factors are most important in driving the response? The model considers environmental, disease, and host agents, and combines them into simulated outcome of CWD outbreak. Sensitivity analysis of the resulting model reveals the agents that disproportionately drive CWD infection.

Question 3. What proportion of infection comes from direct contact between hosts, indirect contact with the contaminated environment, or from carcasses? The model shows the percentage of new infections that arise from each transmission type, allowing managers to plan activities that target and reduce that transmission.

30.3 Output Details

Histograms that show the number of deer exposed to CWD given each candidate management strategy.

Plots that show the number of deer exposed to CWD relative to environmental, disease, and host agents within a management strategy.

The best strategy (or combinations of strategies) to attenuate CWD outbreak.

30.4 Abbreviated Tutorial

  1. Run the Surveillance and Prevention Allocation Model from the CWD Data Warehouse.
  2. Click through the outputs to compare and contrast the efficacy of various familiar management strategies in attenuating disease outbreak.

30.5 Parameters Needed to Execute the Model

  • Model type: Select ‘Disease Control Strategies Model’ from the drop-down list.

  • Reference name: Label the run.

  • (Optional) Applicable season-year: Label the season-year of the run to assist in documentation.

  • (Optional) Notes: Enter any remarks about the run.

  • Season-year: Select the season-year to be used in the simulation.

  • Species: Select the species to be used in the simulation.

30.6 More Information

Gonzalez-Crespo C, et al. Assessment of management strategies to control the CWD outbreak in California using an epidemiological ABM. In preparation.