Chapter 12 Processor Collection

The Processor Collection describes all Provider data related to cervid processing businesses, including meat processors and taxidermists, in a Provider’s jurisdiction. Each business is expected to represent a single unique physical location, although more than one activity may occur at a single location.

12.1 Understanding and using the Processor Collection

There are several key features and properties of the Processor Collection that users should understand to effectively use the Collection:

  • unique Processor IDs
  • business status
  • location data
  • data sharing between Providers

12.1.1 Unique Processor IDs

Each Processor must be uniquely identified with the Processor ID property. Processor ID may be any string of letters, numbers, and/or characters, but must be unique per Provider. It is recommended that the unique identifier match that used by the Provider to identify the Processor, such as a license number.

12.1.2 Business status

The Business Status property describes whether a Processor is active (“Open”) or inactive (“Closed”). If the status is not clear, “Unknown” can be selected. The Business Status property may have more than one Status and Date entered. This structure is useful for keeping track of a Processor’s status over time. A Processor’s Current Status is a read-only property based on the most recent (by Date provided) Business Status. Business Status and Current Status are important properties of Processors. These properties determine whether or how a Processor is accounted for in data summaries, Models, and Visualizations. See the Models and Visualizations sections for more details.

12.1.3 Location data

A Processor’s location may be important for CWD surveillance, management, or other applications. The sub-administrative area in which a Processor is located is used in several Models and Visualizations. For instance, only Processors with assigned sub-administrative areas will be included in the Risk-weighted Surveillance Quotas Model.

The precise location of a Processor may be geocoded from a provided address or through direct entry of a latitude/longitude pair of values in decimal degrees. The exact location of a Processor is not shared with other Providers in regional visualizations.

12.1.4 Data sharing between Providers

Processor Owner details, including name, email, phone, website, and license information are accessible only to Provider users and are not shared with other Providers. General or aggregate data, including the number of processors, types of processors, and current status (open, closed), may be shared at the sub-administrative area level in regional visualizations.

12.2 Visualizations that can use the Processor Collection

  • Surveillance Activity
  • Regional Ad Hoc
  • Provider Ad Hoc

12.3 Properties

An asterisk denotes a required field.

Primary details

Field name Definition Allowed values
Current status (read-only) Indicates whether the processor is in operation or not based on the most recent business status Open, Closed, Unknown
Processor ID* A processor identification code; must be unique at the Provider level any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Sub-administrative area The sub-administrative area (county or equivalent) in which the operation is physically located
Business name Name of the Processor business if it has one any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Business type The type of cervid processing operation Taxidermist, Meat processor, or both

Owner details Owner information is considered sensitive and is not accessible to or shared with users associated with other Providers.

Field name Definition Allowed values
Owner name Business owner full name any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Email Business owner primary email address any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Phone Business owner contact phone number any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Website Business website or other online presence such as a social media site any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols

License details License information is considered sensitive data and is accessible only to Provider Users and is not accessible or shared with other Providers.

Field name Definition Allowed values
License type If a Processor requires a license in the Provider’s jurisdiction, indicate the license type or category any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
License year The year or time period for which the license is valid
License expiration date The date the license expires M/D/YYYY format

Location | Field name | Definition | Allowed values | |—|—|—| | Address (Street Address, City, Administrative Area, Postal code) | Physical address of the Processor business | | | Latitude, Longitude | The geolocation of the Processor calculated from the Address if provided; may be overridden or entered manually by clicking “Add location” | decimal degrees | | Geolocation Source | The origin of the latitude and longitude values | GPS, Geocoded, Online Map, Submitter provided; set to Geocoded if location is set from the street address provided | | Geolocation Precision | A text description of the spatial precision of the provided location | Exact, Town, County, PLSS Township, PLSS Section (Subdivision Level 1), PLSS Quarter Section (Subdivision Level 2), Not mappable, Street, Interpolated |

Business Status The Business Status provides corresponding dates and business status values. Business status indicates whether a Processor is still in operation (Open), is no longer in operation (Closed), or is of unknown status (Unknown). A Processor’s Current Status is a read-only property that is set based on the most recent (by Date provided) Business Status.

Field name Definition Allowed values
Date* The date corresponding to the business status provided M/D/YYYY format
Status* The status of the Processor as of the date provided Open, Closed, Unknown
Notes Any relevant comments any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols

Agency program participation The Provider Administrator may configure a list of programs in which the Processor participates for this property through the Provider Administration Interface. These programs may or may not pertain to CWD. For instance, a Provider may wish to keep track of Processors that participate in sample collection programs. More than one program may be included for a Processor by selecting Add Agency program.

Field name Definition Allowed values
Program The program in which the Provider participates Allowed value list must be configured through the Provider Administration Interface
Season year Season-year of program participation YYYY-yy

Processor Surveys Information about activities and conditions at Processors that are relevant to CWD surveillance and management is captured in Surveys. Over time, processors can be re-surveyed. Additional Surveys should be entered as new surveys, rather than updating existing ones. The most recent Survey determines the current activities and practices of the Processor.

Field name Definition Allowed values
Survey details
Survey date* Date on which the survey was conducted M/D/YYYY format
Surveyor* Name of Provider staff or other person or company that conducted the survey any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Other on-premises activities
Rehabilitation of wild cervids Does rehabilitation of wild cervids occur on the same premises as the cervid facility? Yes, No, Unknown
Live captive cervids on site Are captive cervids on the premises or does the business also have a captive cervid facility on site? Yes, No, Unknown
Processing and taxidermy activities
Deer processed annually For businesses that provide deer meat processing services, the approximate (or exact, if available) number of deer processed annually integer
Deer mounted annually For businesses that have provide taxidermy services, the approximate (or exact, if available) number of deer mounted annually integer
Deer from out of state Does this Processor accept and process or mount deer that were harvested in other states, provinces, or tribal areas? Yes, No, Unknown
Deer from out of state estimated number If the Processor accepts deer harvested in other states, provinces, or tribal areas, how many annually? integer
Deer from out of state note Observations or comments related to the acceptance of deer from other states, provinces, or tribal areas, if the Processor engages in this practice any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Disposal methods
Compost, Fed to animals, Incineration, Landfill Dumpster, Left on property, Pit on property, Processed Caped, Renderer, Returned to hunter, Unknown not answered For each disposal method, indicate whether the Processor uses it to dispose of cervid carcasses or parts. Yes, No, Unknown
Disposal note Provide any additional useful information related to the disposal method(s) used by the Processor any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Survey notes Additional comments about the survey not covered by other fields. any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols
Processor notes Include any notes about the Processor not covered elsewhere. any plain text string containing numbers, letters, and/or symbols