Chapter 34 Regional ad hoc Visualization
The Regional ad hoc Visualization allows you to see a map summarizing selected data types present in each sub-administrative area of your own jurisdiction and others external to yours. For example, you can look at whether, where, and how much your neighbors are sampling (for jurisdictions that are part of the project and have uploaded data).
34.1 Creating a Regional ad hoc Visualization
To create a Regional ad hoc Visualization, complete the following steps:
Title (required): Create a title for your visualization to help you keep track of your visualizations. It will appear in the main menu, so it should be both descriptive and concise. You may use characters, numbers, and symbols. For example: Regional surveillance activity 2022-23.
Comments: Add additional comments for future reference. These comments will appear above the visualization.
Display: These options control how visualizations are presented in the visualization dashboard.
Weight is used to order visualizations. Visualizations with lower weight values will be presented in the dashboard above those with higher weight values. This value defaults to 9999 (the lowest position on menus).
Display on visualization dashboard for all users is used to control whether non-administrative users should be shown this visualization. If you want all users to be able to view this visualization, check the box. If you would prefer that this visualization be available only to Provider Administrators in your agency, do not check this box. This value defaults to un-selected, so must be selected if you want others to see this visualization.
Tag category is used to display the visualization under the selected heading on the dashboard. See the section under Introducing Visualizations.
If provided, the Thumbnail will be used as the preview image of the visualization on the dashboard.
Visualization input
Type (required): Select from the drop-down menu what type of data you want to display. Choices include:
Sample count_: displays numbers of samples collected by subadministrative area in the region
Sample percent positive_: displays apparent prevalence of CWD by sub-administrative area in the region
Cervid facility count_: displays numbers of cervid facilities by sub-administrative area in the region
Processor count_: displays numbers of meat processors and taxidermists by sub-administrative area in the region
Legend title_ (required): Create a title for the legend that will appear under the map. To be most helpful, it should reflect the type of visualization and specific parameters selected.
Scale_ (required): Choose a scale (linear, logarithmic, or square root (area)) for the color scale displayed on the map. If the visualization type will display a wide range of values (e.g., sample count), xx scale will provide a more discernible distinction among areas. If the visualization type will display a narrow range of values (e.g, cervid facility count), xx scale may be a better choice.
Optional parameters: (Depending on the type of visualization selected). Choices include:
Administrative area: select the areas you want to include in the visualization from the dropdown list. You can select all areas by clicking on the double checkmark to the right of the dropdown list.
Age group
Season year
Sample source
Test result
Business type
Current business status
Colors to be displayed in the visualization: To select a color, click on the color palette symbol on the right side of the input line. The default colors shade from gray to blue.
If you do not provide input for these optional parameters, the visualization defaults to including all values of each property. If no data meeting the selected parameters are stored in the Warehouse, the map will not display anything.
Click OK to create the visualization.
34.2 Viewing the Regional ad hoc Visualization
Select the thumbnail from the Visualization dashboard. A map will appear displaying the data you selected for all states, province, and tribal nations with that data stored in the Warehouse.
Changes to inputs for the visualization can be made by clicking on the edit icon (pencil) at the top right of the visualization. The visualization will be automatically updated.