Jacob Lashin's 4960 Project


My name is Jacob Lashin and welcome to my ECE 4960: Fast Robots class website. Throughout this website, you can see my progress on the project through the thirteen labs I conducted throughout the Spring 2022 semester. The goal of this class is to build a fast autonomous car, capable of real-time planning, execution, and communication, using various sensors and algorithms. This project utilized an Artemis Nano board, and is programmed using the Arduino IDE and Jupyter Lab.

Fast autonomous car

Lab 1


Lab 2

Bluetooth communication

Lab 3

Time-of-Flight and Inertial-Measurement-Unit

Lab 4

Characterize your car

Lab 5

Motor driver and open loop control

Lab 6

PID speed control

Lab 7

Kalman filters (sensor fusion)

Lab 8


Lab 9


Lab 10


Lab 11

Simulated localization

Lab 12

Real localization

Lab 13

Planning and execution