This lab was mostly dedicated to getting everything set up and getting familiar with the Sparkfun Artemis Nano microcontroller board that we will be using for this class. This involved setting up the Arduino IDE to support the Artemis Nano and running several example programs. The examples included some fairly standard programs like blinking an on-board LED and serial printing, as well as some programs that demonstrated some of the board's interesting features, such as temperature and audio sensing.
The first example I ran was the Blink program that comes included with the standard Arduino IDE. With the Arduino version I had, the pin used to blink the on-board LED was set to pin 13 in the example program. This was not the right pin for the Artemis Nano, so I changed "int led = 13;" to "int led = LED_BUILTIN;".
The second example I ran was the Example04_Serial program that came with the Artemis Nano installation. This example printed text to the serial monitor at a baud rate of 115200 and also echoed back anything I sent to it as can be seen in this video:
The third example I ran was the Example02_AnalogRead program that came with the Artemis Nano installation. This example measured the temperature using the analogRead function and printed it to the serial monitor. In this video, the temperature value started around 31700 and gradually increased to around 32100 as I placed my finger on the chip, which shows that it works correctly.
The fourth example I ran was the Example1_MicrophoneOutput program that came with the Artemis Nano installation. This example measures the loudest audio frequency and then prints it to the serial monitor. In this video, the maximum frequency value is mostly 0 when there is no noise and increases whenever I say "Test". This shows that it works correctly.